There is Nothing Worse than a Bad Shower

I shower instead of bathing. I find showering more invigorating after exercising or simply just to start the day. It is quick n’ easy plus saves water at the same time. On the other hand, if a shower mixer or spout is not designed properly, a shower can be an awful experience that sets the tone for the rest of day.

From the soccer field to the golf course, the gym and in the multiple homes I have lived in and built, I have first-hand experience of the bad shower and frankly, life is too short. There is nothing better than a fresh jet of water splashing from a shower head with settings that I get to choose, depending on my mood.

After many years I have come to the conclusion that Hansgrohe is the best when it comes to shower mixer and spouts. They have done their homework in their in-house spray laboratory where they develop and optimise the jet types so that they fulfil everyone’s own personal requirements. Whether it’s for your daily body care routine, for relaxation or a burst of freshness – they have more than twelve jet types to meet individual needs.

Through a series of practical tests, they have shown that there are three different types of showerers: Pleasure showerers, who like to be thoroughly pampered. Efficient showerers, who love to wake up all their senses really quickly. And focus showerers, who prefer targeted relaxation.

Hansgrohe wants everyone in the family to be able to indulge in his or her own personal style of shower, so they have combined the appropriate jet types for all three personalities in one product. The versatility extends across all the ranges with a design and budget to suit all décor tastes.

For me, the kicker is the water savings. I am ever conscious of the effects of climate change and the need to conserve water.

What makes the Hansgrohe jet types special is the fact that they are teamed up with technologies such as EcoSmart or AirPower. In the case of EcoSmart, water consumption is sustainably reduced, yet its effect remains virtually unaltered. Whereas with AirPower, air is added to the water – making the droplets plumper and softer. In this way, water and energy costs are kept to a minimum.

With Hansgrohe, my showers have become one of my favourite parts of the day. If you are a homeowner do not settle for anything less than Hansgrohe quality.

If you are a builder or a plumber, don’t take a chance, specify Hansgrohe products because not only do they meet the expected new laws regulating the flow of water from showers but they are also really good quality. Once installed, you will not be called back.

In terms of the new water by-law amendments, the maximum flow rate from any showerhead may not exceed 10 litres per minute.  The Hansgrohe EcoSmart ranges have flow rates well below 10 litres per minute.

Life is too short to have a bad shower. I fully endorse and specify Hansgrohe tap mixers and shower heads in my home and my building projects. I recommend you do the same.

Author: Bryan Groenendaal – Bryan is a qualified Green Building Professional  


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